Know Your Pregnancy Options

Know Your Pregnancy Options

Did you just find out you were pregnant?   You may be freaking out. Or be in denial.    This isn’t what you planned.   It’s okay.  Just take your moment.  When you’re ready to process your options, take a minute to read about your pregnancy options and ask yourself...
Before an abortion checklist

Before an abortion checklist

If you’re considering an abortion, use this checklist first. It is important to have all the information you need to be empowered to make the best decision for you.   Following this “before an abortion checklist” could save you the pain, inconvenience, and cost of an...
What day did I get pregnant?

What day did I get pregnant?

If you recently found out you are pregnant you might be wondering, “What day did I get pregnant?”  There are several ways to help figure out when you conceived. While some steps are more reliable than others, here are a few tools to help you get started in figuring...
Do I need an ultrasound before an abortion?

Do I need an ultrasound before an abortion?

Do I need an ultrasound before an abortion? An ultrasound can help you feel confident in what options are the best and safest for you. 3 Reasons you need an ultrasound before taking the abortion pill. 1. Where is the pregnancy located? Some women’s pregnancies can...