Will my visit be confidential?

100% yes. LifeSpring has an extremely strict confidentiality policy. We will not tell anyone about your visit with us, unless you tell us it is okay to do so. When you walk into LifeSpring, you can be assured that we will do everything we can to protect and respect your privacy. LifeSpring will hold in confidence all the information that you provide except when we are required by state law to report it.

Notice of Privacy Practices (NPP) is provided to all patients. This Notice of Privacy Practices identifies: 1) how medical information about you may be used or disclosed; 2) your rights to access your medical information, amend your medical information, request an accounting of disclosures of your medical information, and request additional restrictions on our uses and disclosures of that information; 3) your rights to complain if you believe your privacy rights have been violated; and 4) our responsibilities for maintaining the privacy of your medical information. 

Click here to download our Notice of Privacy Practices

Does it matter when I most recently had my period before my appointment?

Yes, it does. Before you come in for a no cost pregnancy test, we ask that you be 28-31 days from the first day of your last menstrual period. This will help ensure that your pregnancy test result is accurate. It usually takes the time of a missed period for this hormone to show up. Learn more about pregnancy options including abortion, adoption, & parenting.

What do I need to bring to my appointment?

All you need to bring with you to your appointment is a photo ID.

Do I need to make an appointment beforehand?

While walk-ins are welcome, we highly suggest making an appointment beforehand. This will minimize your wait time!

Can I get birth control there?

We do not prescribe birth control.

Is there a cost?

There is no cost for any of our services.

Can I get an abortion there?

We do not perform or refer for abortions.

Can I get an Emergency Contraception there?

We do not provide emergency contraception (Plan B) at our centers.

Why are your services free?

We understand that pregnancy (planned and unplanned) can be a stressful experience. Our desire is to give you a safe place to process your diagnosis of pregnancy without having financial stressors (or the lack of insurance) influence your ability to get information.

What happens after the ultrasound?

We help you get set up with prenatal care if you decide to keep your pregnancy and we walk with you in the journey of motherhood. We provide pregnancy support, classes, and parenting classes in addition to items you need for your children. We are a community that brings “villages” together.

How about services for fathers?

We invite fathers and families to be part of the ultrasound appointment. We have a fatherhood mentorship program for men looking for advice and guidance through this journey. We look forward to serving you!

Is the abortion pill safe?

The abortion pill has a very low mortality rate. However, the process of taking the pill may cause you to have heavy bleeding that can put you at risk of needing emergency services.

You can read more here.

How do I determine the day I got pregnant?

A medical professional can help you determine the date of conception after a pregnancy test and an ultrasound to confirm how far along you are in your pregnancy.

You can read more here.