Could I be Pregnant? Take our online quiz to see how likely it is that you’re pregnant. Book Appointment Have you missed your next expected period? *YesNoThis quiz does not replace medical advice by a medical provider. If you have any questions whether or not you are pregnant, please contact your medical provider or contact Lifespring.Have you had sex since your last period? *YesNoHave you had sex since your last period? *YesNoThis quiz does not replace medical advice by a medical provider. If you have any questions whether or not you are pregnant, please contact your medical provider or contact Lifespring.Do you have any pregnancy symptoms? *YesNo(fatigue, nausea, breast tenderness, food aversions, or food cravings)Do you have any pregnancy symptoms? *YesNo(fatigue, nausea, breast tenderness, food aversions, or food cravings)Do you have regular menstrual cycles every 28-35 days? *YesNoDo you have regular menstrual cycles every 28-35 days? *YesNoThis quiz does not replace medical advice by a medical provider. If you have any questions whether or not you are pregnant, please contact your medical provider or contact Lifespring.You may be pregnant.Some women have symptoms of pregnancy and some do not.It is unlikely you are pregnant.While it is unlikey that you are pregnant if you haven’t had sex since your last menstrual period, if you continue to have pregnancy symptoms, it may be worth checking a pregnancy test. (especially if you have irregular menstrual cycles).It is unlikely you are pregnant.It is unlikey that you are pregnant if you haven’t had sex since your last menstrual period. But if your period does not return, you should make an appointment to see your physician.If you have regular menstrual cycles, the earliest time a pregnancy test will become positive is around the timing of your next expected menstrual period. If your period does not come when it is expected next, we can do a pregnancy test for you at Lifespring.With irregular menstrual cycles, it is always difficult to know when you may be pregnant. A pregnancy test may become positive two weeks after intercourse. If it has been more than two weeks since intercourse we can do a pregnancy test for you at Lifespring.It is unlikely you are pregnant.You are unlikely to be pregnant. However, if you are sexually active and miss your next period, you may need a pregnancy test. Please contact us if you have any questions or concerns.It is unlikely you are pregnant.You are unlikely to be pregnant if have not been sexually active since your last period. However, if you have irregular cycles, then your ovulatory patterns are difficult to predict. If you are not trying to get pregnant, you should talk to your doctor.Would you like to make an appointment for a pregnancy test at Lifespring to confirm? *YesNoContact Us at the Link Below for an AppointmentBook an AppointmentNo problem.Lifespring offers free medical grade pregnancy tests as well asa free ultrasound to confirm your pregnancy. Please contact us if we can serve you in any way.This quiz does not replace medical advice by a medical provider. If you have any questions whether or not you are pregnant, please contact your medical provider or contact Lifespring. Send Message