Are you worried your girlfriend might be pregnant because her period is late? Or because you had unprotected sex or experienced contraception failure? Stay calm. There are many other reasons that might cause a missed or late period besides pregnancy.
Let’s walk through other reasons why her period might be late, how to know if she really is pregnant, and what to do if she is.
How to know if my girlfriend is pregnant?
Ask her
It might seem obvious, but the first thing to do is to talk to your partner. Whether you had unprotected sex, experienced birth control failure (like a missed birth control pill or a condom breaking), or her period is late – talk to her. It might be scary, but it will clear things up a lot quicker if you just ask.
Maybe you’ve suggested taking a pregnancy test just to be sure, but she is reluctant. Or maybe you think she might already know she’s pregnant, but she won’t talk to you. She might just need some more time to work up the courage to face a potential positive pregnancy test. Be patient and supportive. Reassure her that no matter what happens you can work through things together.
In the meantime, let’s look at common reasons for a missed period.

Common reasons for missed period besides pregnancy
There are many other reasons that might cause a missed or late period besides pregnancy. Here are just a few:
- Stress
- Weight loss or gain
- Excessive exercise
- Ovarian cysts
- Recent illness
- Certain medications, including birth control
Common first signs of pregnancy
The most common first sign of pregnancy is a missed period. Here are a few other common symptoms:
- Missed period
- Tender, swollen breasts
- Nausea, with or without vomiting
- Increased urination
- Fatigue
Early pregnancy symptoms can be very similar to the signs before her period starts. The only way to know for sure if she is pregnant is to take a pregnancy test.
Because not all at-home pregnancy tests are accurate, it’s never a bad idea to get one from a medical professional. LifeSpring offers free, confidential pregnancy tests so you can be sure she is pregnant.
She’s pregnant, now what?

If she is pregnant, take a breath. When facing an unexpected pregnancy, getting answers and knowing your pregnancy options can help alleviate a lot of worry and stress.
We can walk you through what the next steps might look like (like an ultrasound to see how far along she is and make sure the pregnancy is viable) and what pregnancy options you have. Learn more about how to handle and process an unexpected pregnancy here.
We offer a fatherhood mentorship program for men looking for advice and guidance through this new journey. You don’t have to figure this out alone.
Get answers and support at Lifespring
Taking a pregnancy test is the only sure way to know if your girlfriend is pregnant.
We offer free pregnancy tests and ultrasounds to confirm pregnancy viability. If results come back and she is pregnant, we will walk you through each of your pregnancy options and next steps. You are not alone.
Make an appointment at one of our locations in Charlottesville or Culpeper, Virginia today.