LifeSpring services

LifeSpring provides a variety of free services,

so you can make an informed and empowered choice for your unplanned pregnancy!



Free Pregnancy Tests

Have you missed your period? Are you experiencing pregnancy symptoms? Perhaps you’ve already taken a pregnancy test at home, but want a second opinion.

LifeSpring provides free pregnancy tests so you can be certain you’re pregnant. Results are 99% accurate and 100% confidential.

Free Ultrasounds

Ultrasounds provide vital information about your pregnancy! Ultrasounds confirm:

Gestational Age

Your free ultrasound at LifeSpring can tell you how far along you are in your pregnancy. This is important to know, as Virginia abortion law prohibits abortion beyond the third trimester (27 weeks) of pregnancy. Your options for the abortion pill versus surgical abortions are based on how far along you are in your pregnancy.

Normal Pregnancy vs. Miscarriage

Approximately 15-20% of pregnancies end in miscarriage. Women may still have pregnancy symptoms even with an abnormal pregnancy. If a heartbeat can’t be detected during your ultrasound, it’s possible that you may have had a miscarriage. If the viability of your pregnancy is unclear, you will be referred to appropriate medical services.

Normal Pregnancy vs. Ectopic Pregnancy

In rare cases, the fertilized egg may implant outside of the uterus, such as on an ovary or in a fallopian tube. This is known as ectopic pregnancy and requires immediate medical care. If left untreated, the affected area can rupture, causing shock and internal bleeding. If the location of your pregnancy is not clear after your ultrasound, you will be referred to appropriate medical services.

Schedule your free ultrasound at LifeSpring, so that you know what options are available for you.


Free STD/STI Testing

and Treatment

Concerned you may have been exposed to a sexually transmitted infection (STI) and don’t know where to turn? LifeSpring offers free STI testing and limited treatment for women.

We have referral connections if further treatment is needed.

*STI testing is temporarily only available at our Albemarle and Downtown Charlottesville Centers.*


Pregnancy Options Education

Looking for a safe, non judgmental space to sort through your thoughts and explore your options? Consider visiting LifeSpring for an options counseling session! Our compassionate client advocates and medical staff can answer your questions regarding abortion*, adoption, and parenting!

*We are not an abortion provider and we do not perform or refer for abortion.

Resources & Referrals

We work with a network of local agencies, housing initiatives, local hospitals, and social services to help direct you to the care you need as you navigate this next step of your life.

support after abortion

Abortion can be a shocking and painful experience. Whether you’ve just recently had an abortion or you’re still hurting years down the road, the compassionate team at LifeSpring is here for you. We offer support groups and private sessions with post-abortion advocates, so you can find hope, healing, and a community that cares for you!

Free Parenting Classes

You don’t have to face unplanned pregnancy alone! LifeSpring provides free pregnancy classes and support groups, where you can connect with other women on the same journey. We offer labor and delivery classes, postpartum classes, newborn care classes, infant CPR classes, breastfeeding support and co-parenting classes.

Find the encouragement you need to keep moving forward in a positive, supportive environment! Contact your local center to learn about our upcoming classes.